Bump, Baby and Beyond
You will be listened to: you are any birthworker’s best source of information regarding your own well-being and the welfare of your growing baby.
You will be given up to date evidence based information including where appropriate ‘nobody knows, there just isn’t the research’ which is rather more commonly true than I’d want it to be.
You will be offered the widest menu of available options in any given scenario, and the pros and cons of each option given time for consideration and informative discussion.
You will be given time and support to choose the option which feels most appropriate for you, as there is no ‘golden path’ route through maternity.
You will then be supported on that path, given regular signposting of any alternative routes that arise and the freedom to entirely change direction at any point if your feelings change. Your choices will be defended if they are negated by other service providers.
You will not be told what to do but you will be given unbiased, non-coercive information so that you can make the best decisions for yourself and your baby. I do not practice ‘fluffy bunnies’ birth work as there are never any guarantees in maternity (as there are none in life), but scaremongering is not an acceptable aspect of any maternity care provision. The pros and cons of your various options will be explained to you with robust research evidence supplied where available. The role of a good doula is to generally assume there will be good outcomes (as that is mostly the case) but to be always already vigilant and prepared for any deviations from normal, just in case, and to support you and your baby as safely as possible through these.
Initial Consultation
Your Care
This is usually the first step and helps people decide if they want to book for care and what package might suit them best. I come to your home -or workplace if that’s more convenient for you- and you can ask whatever you need to and discuss what your best options for care might involve. This doesn't commit you to anything and you don’t even need to already be pregnant. There is no charge for this consultation if within 20 miles of my Leeds 7 base. There is a small mileage charge if beyond that. Please ask for details.
Postnatal Care
Other Services
This package costs £1500 and includes as many visits as you need, with an emphasis on supporting your rest and recovery following birth and your transition into early parenthood, whether this is your first baby or your newest. The typical schedule of visits after birth is daily for a week, then every other day for the second week, then twice weekly, then starting to space out as is right for you. However you choose to feed your baby -whether you want to breastfeed, mix-feed or formula feed- support, encouragement and guidance is built into the package. All clients are given tips on hand expressing, avoiding engorgement and recognising and responding to signs of mastitis. Your holistic wellbeing is assessed and supported, including your emotional needs, as well as physical and mental good health. I offer a 'placenta print' as part of this package, and placenta smoothie assistance if required, again both optional but included in the package price.
Combined Antenatal and Postnatal Care:
This package includes all elements of the two individual packages but costs £2800 if booked at the same time.
Birth Photography:
As a professional photographer by background, I am happy to take photographs during your maternity journey when booked as your Doula. If you require birth-photography only please call to discuss price and availability.
Placenta printing:
Individual or small group placenta printing sessions offered, or I can make a print from your placenta for you. Prices and information on storage and end use following printing on request.
Belly casting:
Individual belly casting including all materials to the ‘plain cast’ stage: booking essential between 36-38 weeks gestation. Please contact me if you tend to birth earlier than this, or have a family history which suggests you might. Casting is done in your own home. £125.00. Small groups on request, please ask for prices.
Birth planning sessions:
during which you can talk through a previous birth if relevant, and plan for a future one, can help you approach your care provider with confidence. Sessions are flexible and tailored to your individual needs and preferences. You may want help with formalising a written plan, or to prepare for different scenarios such as planning for twin, breech or postdates (beyond 42 weeks) births. Whatever the circumstances, being aware of your options can help you prepare and stay in control and helps improve outcomes for both you and your baby. These sessions are suitable for your first or subsequent baby or babies, and for any care and birth setting. You can book a birth planning session at any stage of pregnancy, or even before conception.
Post-birth discussion:
This service includes a notes review if you have your previous notes. I can help you obtain them if you do not. Sometimes a review can help with ongoing birth trauma, or settle questions you may have from your birth experience. Sometimes it just helps to talk through any concerns you may have with someone who understands the system and the jargon. However, very often birth 'debriefs', especially notes reviews, do not answer every question and may even throw up new ones. Often when people seek a debrief, what happened clinically is important, but how you were made to feel is equally or even more important than that. If the review indicates it is appropriate, I can then signpost you to further help and support and assist you with the referral process.
Birth planning and review sessions cost £100 each. For many people one is enough.